Tuesday, June 29, 2010


My grandmother died a few years ago. We were in escrow to buy our house and I remember sitting on the edge of her bed while she was in a coma telling her about our house and how I was planning to decorate it. I told her about how she had to make it so she could come and see our house and how the window looking out to the backyard from the kitchen sink reminded me of her. I remember my grandma standing at her own kitchen sink window getting us whatever we wanted to eat and preparing the dye for our easter eggs. I miss my grandma Charlie. It is very special to me that my mom found her sewing box in the garage last night and gave it to me. I know that as Im making curtains or decorating my house or clothes my grandma in heaven is watching me smiling.

Placer County Fair

We took Nolan to the FREE Placer county fair this year. I always take less pictures than I intended because watching Nolan is so interesting that I forget. We rode the FREE train 6 times. When the train would stop my son would scream CHOOOOO CHOOOOOO and cry and kick and it was so very cute that I gave into the toddler tantrums.
Next we visited with the animals. Some friends of ours had some pigs that were friendly and let Nolan visit with them. As Im trying to keep Nolan safe from the 500 pound pig he is shoeing me away and proving that he is not afraid of this giant animal. After seeing that pig Nolan believed that he should feel free to go and visit with all the pigs so we spent the rest of the pigpen visist trying to explain that we should not open all the cages.